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All on 4 / All on X

Dental implant glenview | Northbrook IL

About "All On 4" Dental Implants – Glenview & Northbrook, IL

The “All On 4” dental implant treatment involves surgically placing four implants. The dental implants are used to support a fixed set of porcelain teeth to maintain your jaw’s structural integrity. The four implants integrate with the jaw to mimic the pressure that would be placed on it by your natural teeth.

The name “All On 4” comes from the fact that the set of porcelain teeth are anchored directly on the four implants, rather than needing an implant for each missing tooth. Someone who was previously unable to afford to replace an entire mouth of missing teeth can now restore their smile at a fraction of the cost. It sounds too good to be true, but we’ve helped hundreds of patients do just that thanks to this innovative treatment.

What To Expect with "All on 4"

The surgery takes about two hours and can be completed entirely in our office under general anesthesia. Because all the implants are placed simultaneously, it is an excellent option for anyone who isn't too fond of visiting a dentist or wants to get it all done at once. General anesthesia allows the patient to be completely comfortable during the entire process.

Using traditional implants to replace an entire set of teeth typically requires about 12 dental implants, bone grafting, and at least six months of healing before your mouth is ready for final teeth. With the All On 4 dental implants Glenview & Northbrook approach, the implants and temporary teeth are installed at the same time, and permanent porcelain teeth are ready within 4-6 months.

dentist northbrook | Glenview IL

Is "All on 4" Right For You?

Our team at our Glance dental office will work with you to determine whether you are a good candidate for All On 4 treatment. We will use X-rays, 3D imaging, and facial scans to design your new smile that will be for the rest of your life.

Interested in the “All On 4” approach to restore your smile? Use the form on this page to contact us and schedule your free consultation to get more information.